
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Chasing luck

When I started to think about luck my mind exploded into a thousand pieces; or rather my thoughts jumped from one thing to another as rapidly as a domino that falls against another and so on and so on…

…Life…other lives…



…The Fermi paradox, or if there are billions of possibilities of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, where is everybody? According to the Drake equation, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens so why have they not yet contacted with us?... Are we humans a unique, fortuitous combination of molecules that occurred haphazardly?…

A graphical representation of the Arecibo message (1974)
 - Humanity's first attempt to use radio waves to actively communicate its existence to alien civilizations-

…my mind drifted away…

…Synchronicity, or why both internal and external events meet each other in a way that you can not explain but however make complete sense: the "meaningful coincidence" of C. Jung. The author of the “ morphic fields of consciousness”, Rupert Sheldrake, believes that when you think about someone who you haven’t seen for a long time and almost immediately you bump into him, it is the intention of this person that got to you before and developed in your thoughts…It is not a random incident but telepathic highways that connect the brain…

I think I'm a little lost. This does not agree with the concept of luck; it is almost the opposite…

… anyway this domino falls onto other…

…The very famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says that the universe has a structure with ten or eleven dimensions and it is possible that some independent spatio-temporal systems could act on our own dimension and provoke synchronicity phenomena here…

 …still on the wrong track and Domino effect continues…

…I hear Einstein saying quite annoyedly: “God does not play with dice”: The battle between those who believe in determinism against those who have been dragged along by quantum mechanics. Einstein saw an innate order in the universe. He initially rejected quantum mechanics as it is inherently chaotic. This chaos negates any sort of predestination and determinism in nature, implying that humans do have free will. The classical vision in physics that would allow the Devil of Laplace to reconstruct the history of the universe and also calculate all the future only by knowing the position of a particle, does not work anymore. Poor Einstein and the Devil of Laplace

maybe this time luck has won the match but one more domino falls…

…Chaos theory…Small differences in initial conditions can yield widely diverging outcomes for dynamic systems, rendering long-term predictions impossible in general…Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?... The meteorologist and pioneer of chaos theory Edward Lorenz is trying to find a mathematical model to predict the behavior of air masses found a thin geometric structure, organization disguised as chance: the first Attractor. Somehow chaos is also ordered…


Lorenz’s attractor (both images)

Stop! Finally I see it, luck does not come to visit me because I am unable to think of it !

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